On Computed Properties vs. Helpers

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anchorComputed Properties

Computed Properties allow defining properties as functions of other properties. Ember automatically re-evaluates computed properties (lazily) when any of its dependents change so that they don't get out of sync.

Here's a simple example of a computed property that is true when the age property is at least 65:

isSenior: computed('age', function () {
  return this.get('age') >= 65;

The age property is listed as a dependency of the isSenior property, thus the isSenior property will be invalidated whenever the age property changes and re-evaluated the next time it is accessed (unless it is used in a template in which case the property is immediately re-evaluated so that the UI stays in sync with the underlying data).

The isSenior property can then be used in a template (we're assuming it is defined on the user here):

  {{#if user.isSenior}}

anchorTemplate Helpers

The above example could just as easily be implemented using a template helper. Instead of defining the isSenior property with its dependents upfront, one could define an lte helper like this:

export default Ember.Helper.helper(function ([value, comp]) {
  return value >= comp;

and move the comparison into the template:

  {{#if (lte user.age 65)}}

anchorWhat's the difference?

Both alternatives are obviously very similar - both compare the user's age property with a comparison value and depending on the outcome of that comparison render some nodes to the DOM (or don't render them). The main difference is that with the computed property that comparison lives in the template context and is only invoked from the template (via the isSenior identifier) while when using a helper the comparison is defined inline right in the template itself.

This might not seem like a big thing but there actually are some differences between the two alternatives that have consequences on certain aspects of the application.

anchorSeparation vs. Unification

The main difference is that with the computed property solution, the logic and its internals are separated from the template. The logic lives in the template context and appears as a black box to the template which merely uses some named properties - this is actually quite similar to a class exposing named methods where the caller of these methods does not have to worry about their internals as long as it's clear what they are supposed to be used for.

With the template helpers solution though both the rendering as well as the logic are merged in the template. That means that understanding and maintaining the template includes understanding all of the logic encoded in the helper invocations.

While the complexity that's added to the template in the above example is fairly limited of course, this point gets more obvious when looking at a slightly more involved example. Assume there is a collection of users from which we want to select a random one with a status of 'active'. A computed property returning such a user could look like this:

userToDisplay: computed('users.@each.state', function () {
  let activeUsers = this.get('users').filterBy('state', 'active');
  return shuffle(activeUsers)[0];

Rendering that user's name then is as easy as using the userToDisplay property in the template:


Comparing this to a solution that moves all of the logic for selecting the user into the template via helpers illustrates how much harder it becomes to understand the template now:

{{#each (take 1 (shuffle (filter-by users "state" "active"))) as |user|}}

Instead of hiding this complexity behind a named interface all of it is right there in the template and cannot be ignored as it can be when using a computed property.


Another consequence of moving logic into the template is that the logic itself becomes harder to test. While logic that lives in the template context in the form of computed properties is easily unit-testable, logic that lives in the template can only be tested by actually rendering the template which again leads to a few other consequences:

  • Tests become slower to execute as it's obviously slower to render than not to render.
  • Each test case becomes more complex. While unit tests can assert on the value of the computed property (e.g. asser.equal(user.get('isSenior') true)), (integration) tests for logic inside of templates have to assert on the presence or absence of DOM nodes (e.g. assert.ok(find(testSelector('senior-flag')))) which obviously is a much more indirect way of testing the same thing.
  • Test cases (potentially) require more and unrelated context to be set up. While unit tests for computed properties only require the dependent properties of the computed property under test to be set up, rendering a template requires the full context for that template to be set up which might include elements that are unrelated to the current test case.

anchorHelpers don't always work as expected

One of the main reasons that we hear why people prefer template helpers over computed properties is the fact that computed properties need to list their dependent keys. Especially newcomers to Ember.js are afraid of forgetting a key or making a mistake (especially when it comes to collections) which can lead to hard to track down errors (see below for a potential fix for the need to specify dependent keys at all). Template helpers instead don't need to list dependencies and are automatically re-executed when any of their arguments change. While that is true in most cases there are some edge cases where helpers might actually not work as expected.

Consider a slightly modified version of the above example that compares the user's age property with a comparison value:

{{#if (is-senior user)}}

Here, the internals of the comparison logic have been moved into the is-senior helper:

export default Ember.Helper.helper(function ([user]) {
  return user.get('age') >= 65;

The problem with this solution is that the DOM does not get updated when the user's age property changes. While arguments that are passed to helpers are observed by Ember automatically and the helper will be re-executed when any of these arguments change to a different value, the same is not true when any property on any of the arguments changes. In this case changes of the user's age property would go unnoticed and the DOM would get out of sync with the underlying data.


In general, performance should be more or less on par for computed properties and template helpers in comparable scenarios. There's one slight difference though in the way that helpers and computed properties work that can have relevant performance implications though: all arguments passed to helpers are eagerly evaluated before the helper function is invoked. This is a major difference compared to computed properties actually.

Consider this example:

{{#if (and propA propB)}}
  both are truthy!

Here, both propA and propB will be eagerly evaluated before being passed to the and helper. Comparing this to the same logic implemented as a computed property makes the difference clear:

areBothTruthy: computed('propA', 'propB', function () {
  return this.get('propA') && this.get('propB');

As the && operator will actually short-circuit execution when this.get('propA') is false, this.get('propB') will never be evaluated in these cases while both properties will always be eagerly evaluated when using a helper. If calculating propB is a costly operation that is obviously not desirable but something that cannot actually be prevented with template helpers.

anchorPick one

As shown above there are many cases in which either computed properties or template helpers can be used to implement the same functionality. There are some drawbacks though that template helpers come with while not actually providing any additional value in these scenarios.

We at Mainmatter prefer computed properties over template helpers in all of our projects and are putting some effort in making computed properties better. ember-classy-computed for example introduces a mechanism for class based computed properties that is actually quite similar to class based helpers. We are also currently experimenting with computed properties that automatically track their dependent keys which would obviously remove a lot of complexity and eliminate people's fear to accidentally omit a dependency or specify a wrong one (besides that there could even be performance improvements as there could be less invalidations).

There is also a bunch of great computed property macro addons like ember-cpm by Miguel Camba and ember-awesome-macros and ember-macro-helpers by Kelly Selden who has done a lot of great work making computed properties easier accessible and more powerful recently. Check out Kelly's talk on computed properties he gave at the recent Ember.js SF meetup.

anchorPure Functions

One thing I hear a lot is that template helpers are better than computed properties because helpers are (supposed to be) pure functions. While pure functions are great and helpers are (unless you make a mistake) pure functions, computed properties are actually pure functions as well so this is not something that speaks for either of the alternatives.

For some context: a pure function is a function that only depends on its inputs and will return the same value for the same inputs each time it is called. A pure function also has no side effects. While this is true for helpers it is obviously true for computed properties with the only distinction that a computed property's inputs are called its dependent keys. Of course there's also class based helpers whose whole purpose is to enable template helpers that can depend on global state and thus are not pure functions (and the same concept exists for computed properties with ember-classy-computed now).

anchorOriginal concerns of the template layer

The intention of this post is not to say template helpers are bad and computed properties should be used for everything. That would be a pretty ignorant statement to make. There are original concerns of the template layer that are best implemented in helpers - typical examples being translating strings, formatting numbers or dates etc. We use template helpers almost exclusively for this kind of functionality which is usually only a small part part of any application though - we often only have a few helpers defined even in pretty big and involved applications.

anchorMissing a property context

There is one slightly more evolved scenario where computed properties cannot easily be used instead of template helpers to achieve the same functionality. That is when there is no context the computed property could be defined on or the context it would be needed on is unrelated to the template context. One example for this is a component that renders a list of items and keeps track of which of these items is currently selected. The easiest way to do something like that using template helpers would look something like this:

  {{#each items as |item|}}
    <li class="{{if (eq selectedItem item) 'selected'}}">{{item}}</li>

This isn't as straight forward to replace with a computed property as the previous examples. While defining an isSelected property on the template context isn't possible as the property is needed per item in the list, the property can also not be defined on the items as the items have no notion of the list component or how that keeps track of the selected element at all.

The solution to this problem is to construct a new context that has access to both the item as well as the component:

_listItems: computed('items.[]', 'selectedItem', function() {
  let selectedItem = this.get('selectedItem);
  return this.get('items').map((item) => {
    return {
      isSelected: item === selectedItem

The template iterates over this wrapper collection instead of the original collection then:

  {{#each _listItems as |listItem|}}
    <li class="{{if listItem.isSelected 'selected'}}">{{listItem.item}}</li>

This pattern - defining a wrapper context that combines two or more other contexts - should work in similar scenarios as well.


Computed properties and template helpers are both valuable parts of the Ember framework and both have their use cases. Being aware of which one is best suited for which use case and what the consequences and drawbacks are when picking either one is crucial for preventing long term maintainability issues.

Computed properties are powerful already and will continue to improve with tools like ember-cpm, ember-awesome-macros, ember-macro-helpers and eventually perhaps computed properties that automatically track their dependencies. Before turning towards a seemingly easier alternative, have a close look at the consequences of your decision though.

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