Scaling Tech Teams

anchorMentoring and Growth

While many teams start out with a small number of experienced experts, growth beyond a certain threshold requires opening up to less experienced people as well. And with the changing composition of a team also come changing needs – less experienced engineers won't be able to contribute to the codebase to the same extent that more senior people would. They need additional guidance and mentoring and will get frustrated and burned out without it. At the same time, given support, they will more often than not excel and become senior engineers themselves. That said, a common mistake we see many teams make is to just add beginners to their teams without putting any real thought into what kind of guidance they will need, only to be surprised a few months later when the people leave again. That's not only a bad experience for the less experienced engineer who probably was eager to learn and motivated when they started but also a missed opportunity for the company that could have added a valuable member to their team.

Ines from the Mainmatter team wrote about her journey as a beginner engineer – it's a great post I recommend beginners as well as experienced engineers read. One of Inês' main points is:

If you land in a new job where nobody is showing availability to help you out - you are in the wrong place.

Supporting less experienced engineers in making impactful contributions to codebase can (and should) happen in many ways. First, remove any accidental complexity from the process and infrastructure that would impose an extra wall to climb over for any engineer at the beginning of their career. For example, while experienced engineers might be able to set up a bunch of dependant services and run a variety of micro-services directly on their machine, that might be a blocker for a beginner – containerizing the complete development environment before introducing beginners to the team can likely prevent a lot of frustration and wasted time and is beneficial to the rest of the team as well.

Preparing work thoroughly can go a long way in supporting less experienced engineers as well. Instead of assigning underspecified tasks where lots is still left to be figured out, analyze the status quo and plan what steps need to be taken to get to the desired goal before starting to write code. That way, beginners have a trail to follow and blockers or uncertainties can be uncovered and resolved before they hit a wall mid-way through their work. For more guidance on efficient preparation of work, check our playbook as well.

A well prepared issue provides beginners with a
trail to follow

Analyzing and preparing work is also a nice exercise for a beginner and an experienced engineer to do together. Generally, closely collaborating with and observing more experienced people is a great way to learn – whether it's pair programming or working on other tasks like figuring out what needs to be done for a particular issue. Additionally, there are other ways of teaching of course like giving deep explanations for why a particular change might be brought up during a code review or running workshops on particular topics that people are struggling with. We have worked with a number of fast-growing teams over the years and seen many beginners excel and turn into experienced senior engineers given the right support over the years – find out about our Team reinforcement offering to learn more.

anchorCode Health and Tech Debt

The negative impacts of low code health and technical debt are widely understood in our industry by now. When it comes to scaling teams though, the topic becomes even more relevant – whether bad code affects the productivity of a team of 5 or a team of 50 just makes a huge difference. The bigger a team gets, the higher the price tag is on unaddressed tech debt, in particular with more beginners on a team that might not be as comfortable working around it. Accepting tech debt as an impediment not only to the productivity but to the scalability of a team as such is crucial (one of our client calls this Scaling work instead of tech debt). Plan time for working on code health and prioritize it together with feature work – it will have equal relevance for the sustainability of your product!

anchorDeveloper Infrastructure

Related to tech debt is developer infrastructure – the bigger a team gets, the bigger the negative impact of subpar infrastructure is going to be. A flaky test server, slow deployment processes or unavailable tools will slow down or in the worst case block a large and growing number of people. For the same reason, there's also no room for any manual elements in the infrastructure or processes – manual QA or deployment for example will quickly turn into bottlenecks and impede the productivity of the entire team. Instead, in order to let teams focus on their work and enable them to ship constantly, double down on highly integrated and automated pipelines – all time invested on these will pay off manyfold later on. I wrote more about the elements of such infrastructure in an earlier post.

anchorInvest in Developer Enablement

Once past a certain size, it often even makes sense to task a smaller number of engineers exclusively with making everyone else more productive. That team would focus on building, maintaining, and optimizing the internal developer platform that all of the other engineers base their work on (a team like that would often be referred to as a Platform Engineering or Platform Development team). Since this kind of work has increasing leverage with a growing number of total people on the team, the cost-benefit analysis is often obvious and makes a decision for such a team trivial. A Platform Engineering team can e.g. build abstractions to make working with particular aspects of the codebase easier, automate checks for particular patterns to avoid rework, optimize tooling to shorten compile or testing times. While all of these things might only result in relatively small productivity improvements per individual engineer, as these changes affect every single engineer on the team, they have a big impact overall.

anchorThe Limits of Scope

While a small team of engineers might be able collaborate on a single codebase efficiently, that becomes ever harder the bigger the team and the codebase with it grows. At a certain point, nobody will be able to capture the system in its entirety anymore which will lead to inconsistency and thus inefficiency – people will solve the same problem over and over as they're not aware of existing solutions that might be reusable, different parts of the codebase might actually be conflicting with each other, etc.

The only option there is to address this problem is often to split things up into smaller chunks – decomposing the large system and the team that maintains it into smaller subsystems that are each maintained by their own teams (kind of Conway's law but in reverse). Each of these subsystems will be limited to a reduced scope which enables teams to actually be on top of all of that. Also subsystems only need to be consistent within themselves and there is new freedom for teams to make different technology choices for their subsystems which can also be a great driver for motivation.

Where the boundaries between the individual subsystems are of course depends on the respective project. There are also many ways of splitting up a big system into subsystems – from keeping a central codebase but enforcing boundaries between subsystems via architecture and tooling, to splitting into completely separate products or going the micro-service/frontends route. There's no one strategy that will work in all cases as different approaches will have pros and cons in different situations. The one rule to keep in mind is that the less interaction and fewer dependencies there are between the subsystems, the easier things are going to be.

Splitting systems into subsystems comes at a substantial cost though and should generally not be something that's decided for lightly. While limiting cross-dependencies between subsystems and the teams managing them is a good goal, it's rarely possible in reality to completely achieve. So while many things get easier after the split, some things also get significantly harder (e.g. code reuse across subsystems or synchronization between the teams maintaining different subsystems). One mistake I've seen a few times over the years is making this split too early or even building systems like this from the beginning. Teams doing that end up paying a high cost for virtually no benefit as they are not yet feeling the pain that this kind of architecture would solve. Decompose systems when you feel real pain but not before.


Another critical requirement for being able to scale tech teams is establishing a process that enables that. The main aspect of such a process is early and close collaboration between stakeholders. While classic agile processes are often driven exclusively by product needs, they result in a lot of inefficiency when engineering figures out how to make a plan set by product a reality. Often, there would have been easier and more efficient alternatives to reach the same or an equal goal. The larger a team becomes, the more expensive the consequences of these inefficiencies are.

Source and shape work collaborating with all stakeholders from the get-to

So instead of a linear process where product sets a plan based purely on their perspective that engineering then tries to convert into code, the two work together from the beginning. Based on the high level product strategy, they work out the most efficient way to reach a goal, considering both the user needs as well as technical complexities and feasibility. That way, the team reaches goals more efficiently instead spending valuable time working against each other or trying to realize plans that were flawed from the get-go.

anchorRemotely international

Everyone knows that remote work is here to stay, in the tech industry at least. Even though the pandemic situation would allow for it in many places, only few teams go back to working from the office full-time. When it comes to scaling tech teams, hiring remotely is often a prerequisite to even finding people to hire and thus being able to scale at all. Even if a team is located in one of the hotspots where there are lots of developers in the place in theory, demand is likely high as well so that hiring locally would be no feasible option. So in the end, everyone ends up hiring people remotely which usually also means internationally.

While I have written about making remote work work before, there are two points to consider in particular when starting to internationalize the team. As obvious as it might be, the first point is still something teams forget and pay a high price for later: everything you do you need to do in English. Hiring internationally means people will not speak the local language and everyone will end up doing everything in English. If that fact hasn't been taken into account from the get-go and there's essential material (documentation, users stories, issues, etc.) that are only available in german or french or whatever, all of these materials are inaccessible to people that don't understand those languages and will have to be translated or recreated eventually. Keeping everything in English from the beginning is easy to forget but absolutely essential to be able to internationalize a team later on.

The second point when it comes to scaling internationally is timezones. While it's not important that everyone is around during the exact same times (after all, people would start and end work at different times in an office as well), it does make a difference whether there's a few hours of overlap or none at all. While both setups can work and there are a lot of companies that have teams distributed between the US West Coast and Asia where there's virtually no overlap ever in people's working hours, it definitely is easier if there's at least a few hours of overlap. So based on our experience at Mainmatter, I'd say if you can, try and limit your team to be across 3-4 timezones max – that not only makes communication easier but it also means people will still be relatively close together which makes it easier (and more environmentally friendly) to bring everyone together every once in a while to keep up team spirit.

anchorYou're not alone

After all, scaling tech teams is a human effort as well and like all efforts that involve a group of people, can and will be challenging. However, keeping a few things in mind and ensuring a solid foundation that support the scalability of a team is helpful.

If you're experiencing growing pains you'd like to get some help with, please contact us and we'd be happy to chat. We've worked with a number of growing teams and companies over the years including Qonto, Trainline, and Sage and are happy to share our learnings!

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